What is Regression in Machine Learning And Its Types

what is regression in machine learning

What is Regression in Machine Learning?

Regression is a technique for determining how independent features or variables relate to a dependent part or result. Once the link between the independent and dependent variables has been estimated, outcomes may then be predicted. Regression is a statistical study area essential to machine learning forecast models. It is helpful for forecasting and predicting outcomes from data since it is used as a method to predict continuous outcomes in predictive modelling. Regression using machine learning often entails drawing a line of best fit through the data points. To obtain the best fit line, the distance between each point and the line is minimised. Here in this blog we will discuss what is regression in machine learning and join Machine Learning Course in Chennai to learn more about Machine Learning.

Regression is one of the primary uses of the supervised form of machine learning, along with classification. Regression is the process of predicting continuous outcomes, whereas classification is the categorization of objects based on learnt attributes. Both issues involve predictive modelling. Because classification and regression models depend on labelled input and output training data, supervised, machine learning is essential as a strategy in both situations. The training data’s characteristics and output must be marked for the model to comprehend the relationship.

Understanding the link between various independent factors and a dependent variable or outcome requires the use of regression analysis. Regression techniques are used to train models that foresee or predict trends and outcomes. These models will use labelled training data to learn the link between input and output data. It can then be used to understand gaps in historical data or estimate future trends or predict outcomes from unknown input data.

Types of Regression in Machine Learning 

Regression can be carried out using various techniques in machine learning. Machine learning regression is accomplished using a variety of well-known styles. The multiple methods could use various numbers of independent variables or handle various kinds of data. Different types of machine learning regression models may also assume an other relationship between the independent and dependent variables. For instance, because linear regression approaches presuppose a linear relationship, they are ineffective for datasets having nonlinear interactions.

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Some of the most common regression techniques in machine learning can be grouped into the following types of regression analysis:

  • Simple Linear Regression
  • Multiple linear regression
  • Logistic regression

What is Simple Linear Regression?

To reduce inaccuracy between the line and the data points, simple linear regression plots a straight line inside the data points. It is among the simplest and most fundamental varieties of machine learning regression. In this instance, the connection between the independent and dependent variables is assumed to be linear. Because just one independent variable and the dependent variable are examined, this strategy is straightforward. Because the straight line of most excellent fit is used in simple linear regression, outliers could arise often.

What is Multiple Linear Regression?

When there are multiple independent variables, multiple linear regression is the method that is employed. One method for multiple linear regression is polynomial regression. When there are numerous independent variables, it is a form of multiple linear regression. In comparison to simple linear regression, it provides a superior fit when more independent variables are present. A curving line fitted to the data points would be the outcome when plotted in two dimensions.

What is Logistic Regression?

Logistic regression is utilised when the dependent variable may only take one of two possible values, such as true or false or success or failure. It is possible to forecast the likelihood that a dependent variable will occur using logistic regression models. The output values must typically be binary. The relationship between the dependent variable and independent factors can be visualised using a sigmoid curve.


So far, we have discussed regression techniques in machine learning, and to learn more about regression in ML and purpose of machine learning, join Machine Learning Course in Bangalore.